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Apply for Credit

BBVA Compass

BBVA Compass Multipurpose Consumer Loan Application

Type of credit you are requesting

Notice to California Residents

Aplicant, if married, my apply for separate account.

For Residents of Community Property States Only(AZ, CA, ID, LA, NV, NM, TX, WA, WI)

(Loan products may not be availeble in some states.)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: please read these instructions before completing this aplication.

If you are applying for individual credit in your own name, are not married, and are not relying on alimony, chisl support, or separate maintenance payments or on the income or assets of another person as the basis for repayment of the credit requested, complete only Sections A, C, and E. if the requested credit is to be secured, also complete Section D. in all cases sign in Section G. In all other situacions, complete all Sections except D, providing information in B about your spouse, a joint applicant, or the person on whose alimony, support, or maintenance payments or income or assets you are relying. If the requested creddit is to be secured, complete Section D. If a joint application both parties mus sing Sections F and G. if an individual application, the applicant must sign Section G.

For Residents od all Other States

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please read these instructions before completing this application.

If you are applying individual credit in your own name and relying on your own income or assets and not on the income or assets of another person as the basis for repayment of the credit requested, complete only A and E. If the requested credit is to be secured, also complete Section D. If you are applying for joint credit another person, complete all Sections exept D providing information in Section B about the joint applicant, if the requested credit is to be secured the complete Section D. If you are applying for individual credit, but are relying on income from alimony, child support, or separate maintenance or on the income or assets of another person as the basis for repayment the credit requested, complete all Sections except C and D to the extend possible, providing information in Section B about the person on whose alimony, child support or maintenance payments or income or assets you are relying be secured, then complete Section D.

Section A - tell Us About Yourself

Do you intend to apply for joint credit.

May we contact you, either by a phone call or text message on your Mobile Phone?

" Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis od repaying this loan "

Have you Declared Bankruptcy in the last 10 years?

Are there any unsatisfied judments againts you?

Are you Co-Maker, Endorser, or Guarantor of any other loan or Contract

Are you obligates to pay Alimony, Child Support, or Separate Maintenance?

Section B - Tell Us About The Co-Applicant or Other Party

Do you intend to apply for joint credit.

May we contact you, either by a phone call or text message on your Mobile Phone?

" Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis od repaying this loan "

Have you Declared Bankruptcy in the last 10 years?

Are there any unsatisfied judments againts you?

Are you Co-Maker, Endorser, or Guarantor of any other loan or Contract

Are you obligates to pay Alimony, Child Support, or Separate Maintenance?

Section C-Your Marital Status

Complete this section if you live in a community property state, or if this is an application for (i) joint secured or unsecured credit or (ii)


Co-applicant or other party

Section D - Tell us about this collateral for this loan (only Auto, Boat, RV, ODC loans)

" Other depreciable collateral acceptable to BBAV Compass Complete this section if requested credit is to be secured "

If this loan is secured, complete the following

Section E - Tell us about your outstanding debts

If section B has been completed, this section should be completed giving information about both the applicant and the joint applicant, or other person. Please mark applicant related information with an "A" or a "C". If Section B was not completed, only give information about the applicant in this section incluiding all debts for which he/she/is obligated, as well as all sole and separate assets and income. Please indicated by placing a checkmark, next to those loans you wish to play off with your loan.

Tell Us About Your Assets and Liabilities

If Section B has been completed, this section should be completed giving information about both the applicant and the joint applicant or other person. Please mark applicant related information with an "A" or a "C". If Section B was not completed, only give information about the applicant in this section, incluiding all debts for which he/she/ is obligated, as well as all sole and separate assets and income. Please indicated by placing a checkmark next to those loans you wish to pay off with your loan.



Section F- Please Read and Sing - Joint Credit

If this application is signed by two or more applicants, you understand that you are applying for joint credit and that each person who signs this application will be responsible for the full amount owed on the account at any time. If you intend to apply for joint credit, please sign here.


Section G- Please Read And Sign

Applicant(s) give the above information for the purpose of obtaining credit, and authorize credit, and authorize BBVA Compass to obtain information concerning any statements made therein. Applicant(s) certify that all information provided in this loan application is true and made for the purpose of obteining credit. BBVA Compass is authotized to verify Applicant(s) credit, employment and other sources of income, and to share information with other creditors or credit reporting agencies about its credit experience with Applicant(s). Applicant(s) understand that, in reviewing this application, BBVA Compass will rely on all of the information provided to us, and Applicant(s) promise that all of this information is true and complete to the best of their knowledge. Applicant(s) authorize BBVA Compass to obtain consumer credit reports and other information about Applicant(s) and their financial condition, both to review the application and, if this approved, for Account review, renewal servicing and collection. Applicant(s) authorize BBVA Compass to verify all information on provided on or in connection with this application with credit reporting agencies employers, or other third parties, and through record maintained by federal and state agencies(incluiding the internal Revenue Service and any state motor vehicle departent) or any other sources we choose, and Applicant(s) waive any rights of confidentiality you may have in that information. Applicant(s) authorize BBVA Compass to obtain credit reports to use in offering enhanced or additional products or services.


For Bank Use Only

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